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Saturday, April 02, 2005

My Mom, Our In-House Hair Specialist

It has been a long time since i blogged. How's everyone doing? =) Well, hasnt been shooting lately. Think my blog has been stagnant for too long, hence i'm here with some pics i've taken couple of months back.

My mom is a great woman. She dotes on everyone of us, always trying her best to console, counsel and support us whenever we're in difficulties. Other than the role of a mom, she's a very very capable woman too. She picks up lots of skills herself, skills like sewing, cutting hair etc..

My hair used to be cut by my mom when i was young. Well, no matter how i tell her i want my hair to be cut, it'll always turn out the same way. Hehe, well, those trademark hair styles are kindof memorable though. In the past, her tools is not more than a comb and a pair of scissors. Considering the humble equipments that she uses, our hair came out pretty decent.

Nowdays, she seldom cuts for me but ZG and my papa are still her loyal customers. It's really an interesting sight when we would just sit along the corridor outside our home having our hair cut. It's a little embarassing sometimes(if i'm the one getting cut) when neighbours walk past and witness the haircut and start to praise how capable my mom is.

Since more than a year back, her tools have been upgraded to a professional looking tiny black briefcase consisting a few pair of sciccors, electric shaver, comb, shaving blades and lubricating oil for the blades of the electric shaver.

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The main workhorse lying on the window's grooves.

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ZG irritated by the hair on his face.

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ZG sitting along the corridor, having his hair cut by our personal in house hair specialist.


Blogger Jazzo said...

Nice pics. I wonder how the editing is done.

3:02 AM  
Blogger Ordinaryless said...

Give me a call bro, i'll explain over the phone..easier that way

9:31 PM  

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